Self-doubt is a killer

Self-doubt, will do more harm to your business than any wrong strategy.

A year ago, someone I'd connected with through social reached out to me, to give me complete unsolicited advice about how to market my business.

This is someone who didn't know my audience, who I was targeting, or what my strategy was. Basically, they knew nothing about my business.

On top of that, they assumed their recent marketing classes made them more knowledgeable than my 18 years working IN marketing. They were maybe one or two years out of college, which meant I had actually been working in the marketing industry for almost the entire time they were alive.

So why on earth would I let that person make me feel bad and doubt myself? About my marketing strategy?

And yet I did.

This is a topic that has been coming up a lot with #womxnentrepreneurs I know. Maybe they've gone to a Facebook group, to get support for something that's happening in their business right now. Or, they've had people literally reach out and tell them things unsolicited about their business and how to fix it.

And these are smart af womxn!

None of these people know why we're doing what we're doing; don't know our businesses as well as we do; and yet we still listen to them.

I want you to know that if you’re feeling like this, it’s not just you.

When you have an online business, you put yourself out there. And by doing that, it opens up people to chime in - whether we want them to or not. It’s not good or bad, it just is.

We can become extra vulnerable or sensitive, when things aren't working in our business.

I want to be very clear. This isn’t about doing something WRONG in your business. It’s that something hasn’t worked the way we want it to. Reframing it like that, can take away some of the emotion and self-blame.

So here we are, having a bad day, and boom! We get this type of feedback, which makes it so easy to think, omg they're right!

When really, all that is going on is the self-doubt gremlin came out. Even when we rationally know that’s happening, how do you step away from it?

That’s why I’m posting this today - because I want you to have actionable steps to combat this beast.

  1. Recognize what’s happening is self doubt, period. This isn't the Universe telling you something, or that you’re doing something wrong.

  2. Write out all the fears you and doubts you have going through your head. I used to hate writing things out (ok, I still do), but honestly, it works. Getting it out takes away some of the impact and control these thoughts have over you.

  3. This one is SUPER important: write all the things you are f’ing good at. All the things that you know - whether it’s accomplishments, being a good person, having a great hair day. I don’t care what it is, but write down all the things. Then, really look at that list, and remind yourself that you kick ass. Because you do. I know this, even if you aren’t feeling it today.

If none of that works, reach out to me. I'm more than happy, always, to do a free discovery call. If you want to get really get into it, schedule a Quick Fix session. If you can’t get in soon enough with that, message me and I’ll flex my schedule.

If nothing else, just remember, you kick ass, and this is just a bad couple of days.

And if you try the above, I’d love to know if it worked for you :)


The Definition of Insanity


I was told I was bad at sales