The Definition of Insanity
…is to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result.
I’m pretty sure my spirit guides and the Universe have been feeling insane for the past few months.
They’ve been trying to teach me a lesson (a good one), and I’ve been seriously obtuse in seeing it. Like, I need a massive face palm moment.
I’m sure they’re sitting up in the cosmos saying “FINALLY” and celebrating with their favorite beverage, so while they do that, I’m going to share what I (finally) have begun to understand.
I’m different.
You might be thinking “duh,” but I spent years fitting in. Not trying. Actually fitting in. Vacillating between secretly feeling “one of the these things is not like the other” and “oh yay! I fit it. I’m normal.”
Fun story: a zillion years ago when my brother was engaged, I was the Maid of Honor and his (former) wife’s brother was the Best Man. We had a ton of photos taken of the four of us. All three of them have dark hair and olive skin. I’m a freckled red-head. One day, my mom was looking at a photo of us, and said jokingly “one of these things is not like the other.” (Yes, she meant it in a fun way, and yes, she apologized when she saw the look on my face.)
Fun story #2: during college I worked at TGI Fridays, and yes, I had some kick ass flair. One of my buttons said “why be normal?” and I fully embraced that with a hell yeah, normal is boring!
So maybe you can understand a little more about how I felt - some days I embraced being different and some days I longed to be normal.
One of the most normal things I did was work in corporate. I stayed for four years, not quite fitting into their definitions - to the point that I worked in two different functions (comms and insights) which was practically unheard of.
I learned a ton but corporate was not for me. I went back to agency life, which I thought would be the same as pre-corp life. It wasn’t. I worked at two different agencies - not fitting into either one, in terms of my role. TL;DR: I left in September of 2018, with zero idea I’d be where I am now.
If you’re new to me and my story, i’ve spent the past year + going deep with inner work. At this point, I’ve peeled back so many layers, I feel like the onion version of Wonka’s Everlasting Gobstopper.
This has shown up in my business as:
Social Strategy
Exit Strategy
Aligned Marketing and Authentic Marketing
Authenticity and Empowerment Coaching
The culmination, and reason nothing felt quite ‘right’, is because I’m not meant to fit into one box. Being different is a strength, not a limitation. Ha! Did you hear the angels singing with that one?
Which is why I struggled with my business. I kept trying to do what “they” say you should do and have the one transformation and one method.
But like me, my coaching doesn’t fit into a box. It’s not about one transformation or one method. It’s a customizable framework because you don’t fit into one box.
You might feel like….
A Rebel
A Misfit
Too Sensitive
Too Loud
…or whatever makes you “one of those things that’s not like the other.”
Because you were meant for more. For playing big. However you define it.
And I’m here for you ❤️
The Tyrion to your Dany (not season 8). The Obi Wan to your Luke.
Whether it’s figuring out what’s holding you back from success in your business, creating a roadmap to the impact you want to make, or supporting the F out of you.
You + me.
Whatever you need.