The Void
*This is taken from a November 2022 email. If you aren’t on my email list, you can sign up here!
I'm no stranger to feeling stuck in my business. I suspect it's because of how I started: I went full-time right away, and I didn't know what I wanted to do. While I wish the timeline for some of my discovery and growth had been a little quicker, I also know that I had to go through this part of the journey to get to where I am now.
So I was surprised when this time, things felt different. I had a bunch of insights come to me a couple of weeks ago, and with that came clarity around some massive limiting beliefs. Up until now, the clarity and recognition were pretty much all I needed to work through things. This time, not so much.
Which meant, it was time for me to investigate.
Sometimes, I wonder if I was born asking "why?" Not in an annoying way, but because when I'm curious about something, I am infinitely curious about it.
Since I took most of last week off for the holidays and for some health stuff, I had a LOT of time on my hands to mull over all of my thoughts. #overthinker.
Realization 1: My Personal Interests don't have to be my Business speciality.
One of the things I realized was this: I had swung the pendulum too far to my personal development corner. As I learned new tools like Human Design, Numerology, etc, and saw how impactful they were on my own life, I felt like I needed to incorporate those into my business. I want my work to have purpose and meaning, so why wouldn't I create things that had been prove to help me and others?
Realization 2: It's not always about what feels light and expansive.
If you've done any energetics or spiritual work, one of the things that can help you make decisions to feel in your body what feels light and expansive and what feels heavy, restricting, or ick. The past few weeks, I wasn't feeling any of these. Instead, I felt fear. Which reminded me something I've heard/learned before: fear can show up as a way to keep us from making big changes. Our minds were originally wired to keep us safe. That's why it can feel scary when we make a big change or take a risk.
In my case, I started to look at the fear as a potential indicator that an idea I'm thinking of, may be a really good thing. Something I should pursue and not ignore.
Realization 3: We ALL go through the swirl (Void).
This isn't really a realization, it's more of a reminder. In fact, there's a diagram for it.
I took a Human Design course by Karen Curry Parker several months ago, and it's a model based on 3 cycles we repeat over and over in our lives.
This model has three specific parts:
ref: Karen Curry Parker
Our life is designed to have cycles of Disruption built into it. It could be astrological, Motherhood, physical, personal, etc. When it happens, it causes us to redefine who we are because we have shattered an old pattern or identity. This is NOT a bad thing or a result of messing something up. It's part our natural growth.
Disruption spits us out into The Void. I think of the Void as similar to the 'caterpillar goo' or 'murky middle.' It's a place where we're trying to figure out what's next, and/or a place where we don't necessarily know what we're growing into. KCP said this can be a calm place, but I have yet to feel calm in it The Void tends to be a place where we need support. e.g. when it's business being affected by The Void, this may be a time to work with a coach.
When you exit The Void, you enter Expansion. This is a place where you put your transformation into action. It's a place where things (and you) flow and thrive. Where you feel aligned with who you are.
And this entire 3-phase cycle repeats itself over and over.
So, if you've been in The Void this past month, quarter, year, you are not alone. And you will get through it.