Now what?
Let’s be honest, the past three months have been a disaster.
Covid, a live murder in the city I live in, racial injustice, riots, and rebuilding.
The outpouring of support, has been the shining light in all of this.
This week, you’ve muted yourself, threw your planned content out the window, and/or used your platforms to support the BIPOC community.
But now what? What are you supposed to do when social media is the primary tool you use to market your business?
I said this in a video yesterday, but the truth is: you can ask 100 people what you should do, and you’ll get 100 answers.
This post is for those of you who want (or need) to still be working. You’ve been struggling with this because you don’t want to act like it’s business as usual, but you still have a business to run.
So what should you do? Here are some suggestions:
#youdoyou: do what feels right to YOU.
Read the room: what are your followers doing? Are they asking you questions? Are they looking/thinking about your services right now?
If you’re going to put out some content, think about the tone and message you want to use. For me, I still want to provide valuable content, but my snarky humor is probably going to be absent from a bit.
Rethink you’re promotional content and offers. I’m not saying you can’t promote your services. Similar to when Covid hit, I would encourage you to sell with compassion.
What does that mean? Take a minute to step back and really think about all the things your audience is going through right now, and how your services can help them. What are they going through personally at this time? Are they trying to keep positive? Are they stepping away from social? Ask yourself these questions, and use that to guide your content and services.
Do the best you can. That’s always been my mom’s phrase to me, and now I’m sharing it with you <3