How Social Media helps your business
Yesterday, a friend posted in one of our groups, the importance of saying things often and loudly. I can’t really shout from social, but I can repeat some nuggets.
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you own a business and are using social media 🤓But do you know 𝗪𝐇𝐘 it’s important to be on social media? I know sometimes the answer is “because I should be.” That’s a good place to start. If you want to level up, the next step is setting goals that you want to achieve from your social.
For example, if your goal is to build awareness:
▪️Spend some time engaging with other accounts. This will lead to increased followers, and expanding your Reach
▪️Use hashtags. I know you know to do this, but did you know that on both IG and Pinterest, you can search hashtags?
▪️On IG, you can also see how many Impressions you’re getting from hashtags, which lets you know if you’re reaching new accounts.
Want to increase sales/conversion?
Focus on your connections
Engage with them.
Provide content they’d be interested in. This is also a place you can promote your products, but don’t be selling in every post. You can share the background behind a creation, without a hard sell.
What do you think? Do you have goals for your social? If you want to chat about yours, send me a message ✨