Choosing Joy

I decided to write this a few hours ago. Having just received some meh news, I’m not sure what direction this will now take.

I’ve been making some small shifts in my thinking about this business for the past 3-4 months. A year from now, or even six months, I don’t know what things will look like. For the most part, I’m ok with this.

The reason is two-fold. One, I’ve embraced more of what I would generally call “woo” in myself and my biz. Two, I’m really just embracing myself and what I’m meant to do. Even if right now, I don’t know what that will shape out to be.

One of the things I believed in my head, and now in my heart, is that we have choices in how we view ourselves and the world. This has come about from intense mindset and personal development work the past year. Yes, year. The things I’ve learned, and the growth I’ve had, it almost unfathomable.

I think there are two types of entrepreneurs. Those who create a business around a skill, see success in it, and then need to “deal” with the mindset work. The other type is me. I’m tackling a lot of the mindset stuff now, and seeing the business get a trickle effect. As I’m learning to accept and embrace, I was never meant to do things like everyone else.

So as this person who’s on her own non-conforming path, who believes in energy and the Universe and crystals and all those things, I choose to believe in joy for myself.

I choose joy vs

  • Stress that things won’t work out

  • Critiquing myself

  • Invalidating myself

  • Keeping my head down and seeing how things will turn out

Because I believe we DO get to choose how we see and approach things. We do get to choose if we take a positive step forward or stay stuck in the muck.

That’s what happened just before I started writing this. I got some news about health things that on the one hand are very positive, and the other are not. So it’s my choice to take a moment to feel sad and frustrated about the results, and then put myself back on the course to joy.

What choices will you make today?


Grief and Business


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